Slay Energy Bills with These 9 Adulting Tips

Everybody loves the sunshine, but your wallet, not so much. And wouldn't we all prefer to be spending our summer sipping on mojitos in the sun instead of holed up inside, stashing our cash to be able to pay our high energy bills?

We feel you and have got you covered. These adulting tips to follow can help you save up to 30% on your energy bills, giving you the freedom to spend your hard-earned money on things you enjoy instead of utilities. 

1. Adjust your thermostat

Now, this might seem straightforward, but you would be shocked at how many people set it and forget it. For each degree you adjust the temperature, you can pay up to 8% extra on your bill. 😯 Keeping the temperature at the minimum setting you are comfortable with can save you some serious cash. 

Often systems have an ideal temperature range at which they work best. Do you know yours? We know, silly question. Who does? Well, Google, actually. Take a look and see what settings are recommended for your unit. 

Last but not least, if you don't have a smart thermostat... it's time. Having a non-programmable thermostat is like having a Nokia flip phone. One of these bad boys can save you money by automatically switching off your AC when you're out of the house or sleeping.

2. Fans are your friend.

It might seem like another obvious solution, but did you know that fans use 1/60th of the electricity compared to AC and can save 40% on your electricity bill? You're going to start using your fan more, aren't ya?

The best way is to do a combo - set your AC to the highest temp you're comfortable with and combine it with a fan. This is a great way to save.

3. Avoid peak hours

Peak hours are the times when everyone else is using their utilities. Energy companies, those sneaky tricksters, increase how much they charge when demand increases (think Uber.) To outsmart the system, avoid peak hours. Become an early bird or a night owl. Do your washing or cooking early or late in the day. You can also call your energy company to see if they have day-parting options. Some companies incentivize energy use in off-peak hours furthermore, so call them to find out if there are additional benefits you can reap from being a wise and conscious consumer. 

4. Adapt to the weather outside

We all get distracted by our everyday lives. You'll see people cranking up the heat while getting direct sunlight into their windows without closing the blinds. Be more observant of your surroundings and start closing the blinds when it's hot and sunny, reducing heat gain by up to 30%! A little bit goes a long way towards keeping you cool at a reduced cost. Once the temperature drops in the evening, open your windows and make the most of this 'free AC.'

5. Shut the doors during the day

Remember your parents shouting 'shut that door' whenever you came in or out of the house as a kid? Now that you have to pay your own bills, you know why that was. 

Your AC unit will struggle to cool your home when hot air is constantly getting in through open doors and windows. Keeping the cool air in and the hot air out will reduce the strain on your AC unit and keep your wallet happy. Also, consider closing vents in rooms you aren't using so you don't waste energy cooling empty rooms.

6. Check for air leaks

Leaky ducts can increase your energy bills by 40% a year! Houses built in the last ten years usually have well-sealed ductwork. But if you live in an older home, precious dollar bills could be floating away through those unsealed cracks. With that said, check your system for leaks. You should be able to feel big drafts with your hands, but for smaller ones, try lighting incense and looking for leaks around connections and pipes, then fix them with duct tape. This one wasn't so obvious, was it!

7. Plant therapy

Do you love the green? Start making the most of grass (not that kind...) and other plants to take the strain off your AC. Plants not only create shade but also absorb sunlight and cool your home. Place your plants to cover the north and west sides of your house, where the sun hits the hardest. 

Pro tip: Creating some shade for your AC unit alone can make it 10% more efficient! Place a plant or small tree next to the unit. Just make sure to leave 2 feet of space around it, so it has room to breathe.

8. Check your filters

We've discussed this in more detail before, but one of the best ways to save your energy bills is to replace your air filters. It would be best to change your air filters at least every 90 days to ensure the air you breathe is clean and healthy (and save you up to 15% on your energy bill.) Dust and debris build up on the filters, forcing your system to work harder, wasting energy, and increasing the risk of a breakdown. So swap your filters. It takes 10 minutes, and it's so worth it!

9. Unplug your devices

This piece of advice is old but gold. While devices are more efficient these days, they can still account for 20% of your electricity use even when they're off! You should unplug them when you're not using them. The Department of Energy estimates that homeowners can save between $100 and $200 a year by unplugging devices that aren't in use. You probably have a few hidden here or there, so do a quick walk-through of your house to audit the plugs and kill any energy suckers.

Wrapping it up

With these tips, you should be able to cut your energy bills in half this summer aka endless margaritas.

If you're still experiencing high energy bills, it could be a problem with your system itself. We've discussed troubleshooting your AC in a previous article, so you should check this out or get in touch for a free consultation if you're still stumped.


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